Using the know-how acquired in the management of large industrial plants.

Since 2008 Magaldi has entered the business of photovoltaic, building on the roof of the production plant  Magaldi Power S.p.A., the largest photovoltaic plant of Italy on the roof of the maximum power of 2 MWp.

Following a careful qualification of the suppliers, Magaldi has signed different partnerships with the main reference companies in the business object, and is therefore able to offer the best technologies currently available on the market at the best ratio quality / price. Since June 2009, Magaldi has been the italian distributor of Yingli Solar, fifth world producer of photovoltaic panels, listed in stock exchange in Wallstreet, and has a partnership agreement of the Elettronica Santerno, Carraro Group, leader in Italy in the production of inverters and field panels.

In 2021 we also opened up to brands such as Fimer SPA (formerly ABB Power One) for Inverters.
Magaldi Power S.p.a is able to offer "turnkey" solutions adapted to the needs of the customer, developing with professionalism and competence all aspects of the project:

Feasibility analysis, Cost-benefit analysis, Plant functional specification, Project Management, Financial coverage and calculation of ROI, Basic and detailed engineering, Electrical design, Realization of electrical panels and substations, HW PLC design, Automation software development, Realization of supervision synoptics (MISS), Software for the management of scheduled maintenance and spare parts, Electrical supervision and assembly, Start-up and commissioning, Training and consulting, Remote assistance, Integration of automation systems, Revamping automation and control systems.

Magaldi Power S.p.a offers different types of products:

  • Realization of turnkey systems;
  • Supply of systems (sale of photovoltaic modules, inverters and switchboards);
  • Management of photovoltaic systems;
  • Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance contracts.
