Your breakthrough thermal energy storage sand battery, green energy 24h/day


Energy from Sand

Solid particle fluidized bed for Dependable Energy Storage

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Energy Storage is the Key

any substantial growth in renewable energy usage will be followed by a similar requirement for energy storage solutions


As industrial heat demand continues to grow,decarbonization of industrial processes is a major challenge

Our Thermal Energy Storage solutions provide longduration applicability for virtually any industrial sector

See how it works


Comparing storage technologies for discharge time and capacity, MGTES is remarkably versatile in terms of coverage of applications and can be implemented not only for power to heat cycles but also for electricity systems integration, and to support large decommissioning and decarbonization projects.


Our wide experience over the last 30+ years

We have put in place an amazing team of people to make MGTES a global success. We have organised a high seniority team to integrate Magaldi's knowledge of the fluidised bed and ultra-high temperature material handling.


Ready to the future

Viable thermal energy storage will be the lynchpin that guarantees success in the transition from fossil fuels to renewables. The sooner those solutions become a reality, the faster global economies will be able to push forward in pursuit of their ambitions and long-term development plans.


AI, "super forecasting," and long-term energy storage: The ideal combination for the energy transition.

25 September 2024

What happens when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing? Thanks to AI-enhanced weather forecasting and long-duration energy storage, soon it won’t matter! AI-driven weather forecasts, now more precise than ever, combined with innovative solutions like MGTES Magaldi Green Thermal Energy Storage are changing the game.

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If industrial heat goes green, so does the planet.

01 August 2024

If heat goes "green," so does the planet. The ecological transition relies on the decarbonization of industrial processes, and a substantial portion of industrial energy consumption is dedicated to heat production. Heat accounts for about half of the global energy demand. Industrial heat, in particular, is responsible for one-fifth of the global energy demand, representing a significant share of energy-related carbon emissions.

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Celebrating UNESCO's Day of Light: Harnessing solar energy with breakthrough STEM®-CSP Technologies for a global, sustainable and green industry

10 May 2024

Celebrating UNESCO's Day of Light: Harnessing solar energy with breakthrough STEM®-CSP Technologies for a global, sustainable and green industry The UNESCO International Day of Light is a worldwide initiative that celebrates the central role of light and innovations based on light and its green exploitation to enhance the well-being of our planet. Without solar radiation, no form of life would exist on Earth. READ MORE.

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Italy’s Renewable Energy Communities breakthrough in 2024

04 April 2024

It is not a bold statement to say that 2024 will be the year of Renewable Energy Communities in Italy. The introduction of Renewable Energy Communities into the Italian regulatory process dates back to "Milleproroghe" Decree 162/2019, (converted by Law No. 8/2020 of Feb. 28, 2020), which transposes the European RED II Directive (2018/2001/EU)..The current scenario outlined by by the new Renewable Energy Communities Decree, focuses mainly on two new measures.

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