Magaldi Green Energy guest of the Smart City radio format hosted by journalist Maurizio Melis on Radio 24. Listen to the podcast of the episode entitled “A battery of sand to accumulate heat”!
"The key to making possible the adoption on a very large scale of CO2-free but discontinuous sources, such as the sun and the wind, - says the introduction of the podcast - lies in the development of energy storage technologies to draw to when renewables do not produce enough. This need, which is still limited today, will grow rapidly over the next few years. In addition to the electrochemical storage technologies, which now dominate the scenario, other approaches are being developed, including thermal storage technologies such as MGTES (Magaldi Green Thermal Energy Storage), patented by Magaldi Green Energy (MGE), a start-up from Magaldi Group, industrial group specialized in systems for handling high temperature materials. We speak of a sort of ‘thermal battery’: a system capable of using simple silica sand to store, for several days, large quantities of high temperature heat (up to 600C°), which can then be used as a thermal fluid in industrial processes or to produce electricity".
Listen here!